The Top 5 Carnations and Their Symbolism

Carnations are the most popular blossom around the globe. The Dianthus, is also referred to many as the ‘flower of God.’ These stunning blossoms are given on occasions like Valentine’s, mother’s day anniversaries, weddings and birthdays among others. The carnation shows feeling of affection and love. Thecarnationsfor sale comes in different colors which carry a different meaning. The following are some of the different carnation flowers.
1.   Pink carnation
The pink carnation is the most popular carnation among all. It has deep meaning of affection and love. It signifies motherly love. Some of the common varieties of pink carnation include china pink, sweet William, cheddar pink and maiden pink. They are used often as gifts on mother’s day.
2.   Striped carnations
The striped carnation are made of two bold colors. They symbolize a feeling of regret or refusal. They are given as the sympathy flowers for someone who has just passed. They are highly refreshing and valued for their stunning beauty.

3.   White Carnations
The white carnation flower symbolizes loyalty, happiness, courage, innocence and pure love. The white carnation is given on graduations, someone going on a journey as a sign of wishing someone good luck. The white carnations are also included in the wedding bouquets to represent loyalty and pure love.
4.   Red carnations
The red carnation represents affection, passionate love and admiration. It comes in deep red color and the light red. The dark red carnation symbolizes deep love, passion and affection. The light red carnation on the other hand represents admiration.

5.   Purple carnations
The purple color is more often directly linked to royalty. The purple carnation is given as a gift to people who are spontaneous in their acts and believe in their independence.

Armed with the knowledge of the top five carnations bouquets, the other question is of where to buy carnations. The best place you can get the carnations at where you will receive the best offers in order to make an informed decision when shopping for carnations. 


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